BrooklynFaculty NewsLong IslandOnline
SJNY Professors Play Key Role at Interfaith Harmony Week Event
by Brian Harmon February 12, 2024St. Joseph’s University, New York took center stage during UN Interfaith Harmony Week earlier this month, playing a pivotal role in hosting a panel dialogue aimed at exploring the significance…
Long Island
SJNY Hosts Middle School Assoc. Regional Conference
by Valerie Esposito February 5, 2024St. Joseph’s University, New York hosted the annual New York State Middle School Association (NYSMSA) Regional Conference, a gathering of middle-level educators and professionals to support professional development in all…
St. Joseph’s University, New York’s Campus Ministry on the Long Island Campus is hosting a “Souper Bowl of Caring” canned food drive, collecting nonperishable goods to help feed local families…
BrooklynLong IslandOnline
SJNY Connect’s Mentoring Program Launches Feb. 6
by Brian Harmon January 30, 2024It was a simple discovery, but one that changed the course of SJNY student Izabella Packer’s educational journey at the University. While attending a club fair last spring, the Criminal…
Alumni NewsLong Island
An International English Honor Society Convention
by Sam Miller January 9, 2024St. Joseph’s University, New York English department alumnae Emily Barlow ’23, M.A. ’24, and Schuyler Dorchak ’23 will present at the Sigma Tau Delta Centennial Convention April 3–6 in St.…
A break from technology. A chance to practice noble silence. A journey of mindfulness and self-discovery. Peter Lin, Ph.D., associate chair and professor of psychology, has been bringing SJNY students…