After the recent blood drive on the Long Island Campus, St. Joseph’s received recognition and a certificate from the New York Blood Center (NYBC) for our 5,000th unit of blood donated. Beginning in 2000, the NYBC has used an automated system to track donations from both campuses and in total, 1,672 donations came from the Brooklyn Campus and 3,342 donations from Long Island.
“Donating blood is a simple act with a profound impact,” said Melissa Gatto, account manager for donor recruitment at NYBC. “Every donation can save up to three lives, making it an essential lifeline for hospitals and patients in need. By hosting blood drives, St. Joseph’s is ensuring a safe and stable blood supply while promoting a sense of community, empowering students to make a lifesaving difference together.”
The next blood drives will be hosted on Tuesday, October 8 at the Brooklyn Campus and Tuesday, November 26 at the Long Island Campus.