SJC Brooklyn’s Office of Campus Ministry continues to collect and send greeting cards to the Sisters of St. Joseph, who have been isolating at the Brentwood Motherhouse amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

Campus Ministry Director Sister Marie Mackey leads an effort to send cards to the Sisters of St. Joseph.
Campus Ministry Director Sister Marie Mackey said when students sent cards and letters to the Sisters in the past, the Sisters appreciated the sentiment.
“The Sisters are most grateful to receive mail, especially since COVID restrictions have isolated them during these past 18 months,” S. Marie said. “They are a very vulnerable population and extra precautions are being taken to make sure they remain healthy and safe.
“The sisters have given their lives in the service of others; they have been the frontline and essential workers in the Catholic Church for centuries,” she continued. “Even in their declining years, they continue to inspire, educate and challenge us.”
S. Marie said past letters have included anecdotes about the letter writer’s life, and sometimes include a request for the sister to pray for them, their studies, or for someone who is sick or looking for a job. But most importantly, the card or letter should include a statement of gratitude for the contributions that the sisters have made in service to the people of God throughout her life, she explained.
Students, faculty and staff can drop off their cards and letters in the Campus Ministry Office, located in the Student Life Suite.