There was the 67-year-old U.S. Army veteran who earned a bachelor’s simply because it was something she “had to do,” the 44-year-old New York City cop collecting the M.B.A. degree…
juanita arias
Nearly 340 students will receive degrees from St. Joseph’s College during SJC Brooklyn’s 99th commencement ceremony Sunday at 1 p.m. at the New York Marriott at the Brooklyn Bridge. SJC…
The executive director of UPROSE – Brooklyn’s oldest Latino community based organization – will discuss her views on climate change April 30 at SJC Brooklyn during her presentation, “Climate Justice: From…
To prepare for the Lobby Day trip, Arias, along with students Conor Johnson and Nicholas Bates from SJC Long Island, learned about the state’s budget process and how citizens can work to advance their interests with their legislators in the state Assembly and state Senate, as well as discover which issues are important to legislators in different regions.
A galaxy of new transfer and first year students gather at SJC Brooklyn for the 2017 Orientation: “Reach Beyond the Stars!”