SJC Long Island is set to celebrate National Catholic Sisters Week with a week-long series of events on campus, March 9–15. The College received a $1,000 grant to assist in planning events — all of which will be held during common hour from 1 to 2 p.m. – during this special week.
Earth: There’s No Place Like Home: Rooted in Hope
Date: Thursday, March 9
Location: Shea Conference Center
“The Dear Neighbor” Lunch & Learn: Rooted in Love
Date: Monday, March 13
Location: McGann Conference Center
Speed Dating with the Sisters: Rooted in Life
Date: Tuesday, March 14
Location: Shea Conference Center
St. Joseph’s Day Mass: Rooted in Faith
Date: Wednesday, March 15
Location: McGann Conference Center
Each year, Saint Joseph, the Catholic faith’s patron saint of workers and the protector of families, is honored on March 19. Legend has it that a famine in Sicily was resolved when villagers prayed to Saint Joseph, and, as a result, he has been honored with ample feasts of pasta, soups, bread and pastries ever since. At St. Joseph’s College, the tradition will be upheld during this festive event.

L-R: S. Miriam Honora Corr, C.S.J.; S. Eileen M. Kelly, C.S.J.; S. Jane Fritz, C.S.J.; S. Suzanne Franck, C.S.J.; S. Miriam Blake, C.S.J.; S. Mary Ann Cashin, C.S.J.; and S. Grace Edna Rowland, C.S.J.
1 comment
A tremendous job of giving and nurturing is done by the fine Sisters of St. Joseph. I made connections with many of them, and will forever be obligated for what I received from them.