During his tenure at SJC, Dr. Calareso has established himself as a leader who embraces change while remaining true to the history and mission of the college. In what ways has he inspired you?
Carrie Bhada: I’m inspired by Dr. Calareso’s commitment to excellence and dynamic approach to handling the challenges we currently face. It’s rewarding to work with such a thoughtful and experienced leader.
Christopher Frost: As one who thinks of real education as “future proofing”, as providing skill sets essential to building a career and a life, I think we are “modeling” that capacity by “future proofing” the institution itself.
Shantey Hill: Dr. Calareso has done a wonderful job preserving the history of the Sisters of St. Joseph while also restructuring and advancing our College in a way that makes it sustainable for many years to come. His work has provided an energy that past, present and future classes can remain proud of, and it is this spirit that has infectiously inspired me to ensure that the athletic programs remain on par with the same.
Rose Mary Howell: St. Joseph’s College will continue to prepare college graduates for the 21st century and beyond, while providing a strong academic and values-oriented education that encourages students to develop personal value systems, responsible self-direction and participation in local and global communities.
Gigi Lamens: Dr. Calareso supports the values we share as a community. He fosters innovation while holding true to the mission and traditions of the College while at all times keeping our students as his top priority. I have been inspired by his leadership, resolve and creativity.
Jessica McAleer Decatur: Dr. Calareso has moved the College forward in so many ways over the last year. Among a few of his major accomplishments, Dr. Calareso has launched an Online Campus, kicked off a two-year centennial celebration, overseen major campus renovations and, most recently, announced that SJC Long Island will be adding residential housing in Patchogue—all while staying true to the mission and history of SJC.
Christine Murphy: Dr. Calareso has set forth an operation plan that articulates the critical pillars for the College’s success and sustainability. These pillars include: a commitment to mission and values; a plan to advance the College’s reputation as a leading center for higher learning; a structure that will support more efficient and strategic enrollment practices; establishment of a new office to oversee Marketing and Communications and enhance the College’s visibility; and focused attention on fundraising and development efforts to help fund scholarships and facilities for our students.
Having this relevant and comprehensive plan clearly articulated has allowed me —as a division and campus leader — to contribute in thoughtful, relevant and strategic ways. Within the Office of Enrollment Management at SJC Brooklyn, we have established an operational plan for the division, which has been inspired by and runs parallel to the master operational plan. The master operational plan helps to ensure that all campus leaders and stakeholders are working collaboratively and toward the same end goals.
Michelle Papajohn: It challenges you to not be complacent, and makes you think more deeply about what we historically do well, as well as areas that we can improve upon. You start to see that with change comes opportunity to make things better. Sometimes those opportunities are within the scope of one department, and other times you discover that there is something that benefits the entire college. It feels very satisfying to be a part of such positive change.
J. Rehmann: Dr. Calareso has confronted our institutional challenges with transparency and honestly, engaging the College faculty and staff members in a community effort to make our offices efficient and our programs strong. There is no denying that change moves us out of our comfort zone, but I think that most of us, if we reflect on our own experience, know that we learn and grow most when we are pushed beyond business as usual. The president has demonstrated resolve in taking us to a new place and the College is stronger for it.
J. Roth: Dr. Calareso has brought a wealth of experience to SJC. His enthusiasm and wisdom have inspired me to be even more passionate about my work.
Sherrie Van Arnam: Dr. Calareso’s vision for the future of the College has been clearly articulated. As someone who has been a member of the SJC staff for many years, the legacy of the Sisters of St. Joseph and the values of this institution are central to my commitment as a member of the leadership team. Inspiration comes from the shared resolve of many people who are working to ensure the future of St. Joseph’s College.