What are you most looking forward to in SJC’s centennial year?
Jack Calareso: The centennial provides a perfect opportunity to remember the rich history of the College and to look toward the future. I am looking forward to celebrating SJC with alumni/ae, students, faculty, staff and the larger community.
Carrie Bhada: Celebrating our alumni and the community who support the College and working with our leadership groups to engage many more in this historic events! In honor of the centennial, we’re bringing exciting programming to both campuses. A lecture series in spring 2016 and fall 2016 will bring back the presidential Lecture and highlight some of our faculty while exploring topics ranging from the changing spectrum of higher education to the history of SJC. We are also holding a Centennial Celebration Concert this fall and looking to hosting many alumni and friends. A listing of the most current information can be found at sjcny.edu/100.
Christopher Frost: The opportunity to envision a bold future for the next 100 years, as we celebrate the first 100: an academic reputation that includes, but extends beyond, our education programs; an extension of our mission into online learning; and a chance to extend our mission beyond the region [through] residential housing.
Shantey Hill: The College is doing so many wonderful new and exciting things that it is difficult to say what I am most looking forward to. It has been exciting to see each area of the College highlight the history of SJC while also celebrating our advancement. Our alumni and institutional advancement offices have been working extremely hard to put together events that encapsulate the past, present and future of SJC, and I look forward to attending many of these, including the gala, which will be the culmination of it all.
Gigi Lamens: I look forward to celebrating our history, traditions and charism of the Sisters of St. Joseph’s. I also look forward to SJC’s continuation on its current upward trajectory of ever-increasing excellence, innovation and commitment to our mission, to our students and to our alumni. SJC’s mission has always inspired me and it is as significant and compelling today as it was 100 years ago.
Jessica McAleer Decatur: As a member of the SJC community for more than 12 years, I am still amazed by the history of this almost 100-year institution. In the coming year, I look forward to celebrating that history and the traditions of SJC with faculty, staff, students and alumni. I am also excited about sharing this wonderful experience with our friends and neighbors. We are a modest community, but we have so much to boast.
Michelle Papajohn: I am excited about the new opportunities, which we are embarking on now, that will carry us through our next 100 years. The inception of SJC Online and the addition of residence housing for SJC Long Island are opportunities for us to grow in areas that were not available to us previously.
J. Rehmann: The centennial motto succinctly expresses what I am looking forward to this year. We are highlighting the historical contributions of the sisters in many events planned this year. In Brooklyn, we are featuring two sisters as our 2015 and 2016 Founders Day speakers. S. Carol Zinn, SSJ, Ph.D., joined us this past October, and we have invited S. Beth Johnson, CSJ, Ph.D., from Fordham University (and a member of our board) to give the lecture in 2016. The scholarship of the faculty is going to be highlighted in the centennial lecture series that will be a tribute to our academic excellence now. And, as we look to the future, I know that our programs will grow through the creative efforts of our faculty and the inspiration provided by our students.
J. Roth: The celebrations and a look back at the past history in words and pictures.
Sherrie Van Arnam: The centennial year will provide a unique opportunity to “honor the past” by reconnecting with decades of alumni, and sharing all those SJC experiences that form the foundation for our present.